
What are PFAS?

What are PFAS?

PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a general term for many different types of organic fluorine compounds characterized by the carbon-fluorine bond, which is one of the strongest bonds in organic chemistry. They possess very important properties such as heat resistance, weather resistance, chemical resistance, water and oil repellency, lubricity, and electrical insulation.

Diversity of PFAS

Not all PFAS have the same properties. There are various types of PFAS, each with different properties, uses, and environmental profiles, resulting in significant variations in their characteristics.

Among the various PFAS chemicals, PFOS, PFOA, PFHxS, and their salts and related substances are subject to prohibitions or restrictions on their manufacture, use, and import/export under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. These three groups of substances are defined as "Specified PFAS" by the Conference of Fluoro-Chemical Product Japan (FCJ).

On the other hand, fluoropolymers, which are widely used in a broad range of products, are generally very high molecular weight and stable molecules. They are thermally, biologically, and chemically stable, hardly soluble in water, and have no concerns regarding mobility in the environment. Furthermore, those fluoropolymers are not known to interact with or accumulate in living organisms.

Daikin had ceased the manufacture/use of PFOA, one of the “Specified PFAS,” in our domestic and overseas facilities by 2015. Daikin has never manufactured or used PFOS or PFHxS in the past or present.

Please refer to the Conference of Fluoro-Chemical Product Japan (FCJ) page for the definition of Specified PFAS.

“Specified PFAS” (Conference of Fluoro-Chemical Product Japan website)
Daikin’s Approach to PFOA

Use of PFAS

Due to their unique properties, PFAS contribute to a wide range of cutting-edge industries, such as semiconductors, automobiles, telecommunications, medicine and medical devices, energy, and air conditioning/heatpumps/refrigeration, as well as numerous products we use every day.

As a chemical manufacturer that produces PFAS, Daikin contributes to the sustainable development of modern society through the supply of PFAS.

Daikin’s Approach to PFAS